Petra Mihajlovičová
Dear clients and future clients, we have started the pre-sale of ships from the plant with delivery in 2023. W...
Milý klienti a budúci klienti spustili sme predpredaj lodí so závodu s dodaním ešte v roku 2023 . Radi by ste ...
Dear clients and future clients, we have started the pre-sale of ships from the plant with delivery in 2023. W...
We offer you a motor boat of the Dutch SHETLAND type with a Mercury 40 – 2 stroke engine. the ship was reu...
We offer for sale a DARMAR 505 comfort motorboat with a MERCURY F 60 ELPT EFI engine and trailer. regularl...
Ponúkame Vám na predaj motorvú loď Bayliner 215 s výkonným motorom Mercruiser 4,3 MPI s Alpha One pohonom s vý...
We are offering for sale a SIRIUS 500 fishing glider with a HONDA BF10 engine, which is open to 20 HP by repla...
We offer for sale a set: KOLIBRI KM 450 DSL + MERCURY F 9.9 MH + Brenderup 8220 B – 1300 kg suitable for saili...
We offer for sale a 2-year-old SUZUKI DF 9.9 BS engine with manual start, short leg. The engine is opened to 2...
Quicksilver Activ 505 open motorboat with Mercury F 100 ELPT EFI outboard for sale. The boat has a Smart editi...